Hello! My name is Peanut Butter. I was born on July 13, 2020, in Las Vegas, NV, and I came home to my doggo dad JSR on October 23, 2020. I am a social shibe, and I love to visit other doggy friends at the dog park, meet adults and kids alike on walks, and play games with my Dad. I am very friendly, and sweet, and I love everyone and everything! The games I enjoy, outside of the video variety, include hide and seek, fetch, tug-o-war, and catch. I’m also a big fan of treats, and I love to train with Dad and work on tricks, commands, and games.
I tend to be a very intelligent doggo who figures out problems myself. I deduce what Dad wants me to learn or do, and if there’s a tasty treat involved I will do it! My Dad uses clicker training and positive (or, should we say, paw-sitive?) reinforcement training in order to teach me what I need to do in order to succeed. I sometimes eat meals in puzzle toys, and will sometimes have to do training in order to eat, but I do enjoy my meals. However, sometimes I will train for some playtime as well!
My Human taught me to press the button for tasty treats after he ran Gyromite for his AVGN Trials, back in July 2022. Afterwards, he realized that I could take the role of R.O.B. the Robot! (for context, R.O.B. was an official Nintendo peripheral for the NES, which was designed to work with 2 games. R.O.B. would stack gyros on special buttons which would press buttons on an NES controller) To do so, Dad made me a custom controller out of an old GameCube fighting stick controller. Using a USB adapter, I can play Gyromite on an emulator, with the buttons specially mapped to fit my paws.
My favorite treats are peanut butter (naturally), cheese, chicken, ham, and doggy treats. String cheese is my kryptonite, and I’ll do anything for a piece of that delectable goodness. I also enjoy belly rubs, neck scritches, and back rubs. However, I’m not a fan of the vacuum cleaner, large objects over my head, or bad RNG. My biggest pet-peeve in speedrunning is losing time to belly itches, strange noises, or a lack of tasty food.
I want to set a world record at GDQ someday. I was very close to doing so at AGDQ 2024, but the game was rude and I lost my record attempt to something I had no control over. Naturally, I lost my afternoon nap to this atrocity, as I just couldn’t bear it. But I will be back! Together, we will set a record and raise money for good causes! (And get some snacks in the meantime!)